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converse piezoelectric effect中文是什么意思

用"converse piezoelectric effect"造句"converse piezoelectric effect"怎么读"converse piezoelectric effect" in a sentence


  • 反压电效应
  • 逆压电效应


  • Based on the converse piezoelectric effect of quartz , a novel dual - mode interferometric electronic voltage transformer is presented
  • Due to the intrinsic direct and converse piezoelectric effects , piezoelectric materials have been widely used in engineering for the active shape or vibration control of structures
  • Traveling wave revolving ultrasonic motor is the direct driver motor that transforms the electric energy to mechanic energy applying the converse piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric and friction driver
  • The ultrasonic motor is a kind of direct driver which is uses the converse piezoelectric effect of the piezoelectricity ceramics , by using transformation and the coupling of each kind of expansion and contraction vibration pattern enlarging the material microscopic distortion by resonate effect and transforming it to macroscopic movement of the rotor or the slide by the friction coupling
  • In this paper , at the cut - in spot of beam active vibration control and use the pzt material as the drive component , the main research works can be summarized as follows : 1 ) using the finite element theory , a general finite element formulation of piezoelectric media is derived , the direct and converse piezoelectric effects are considered in the formulation
    本文从梁的振动主动控制研究为切入点,利用了pzt材料作为驱动元件,作了如下几个方面的研究: 1 )利用有限元理论,考虑压电材料的正、逆压电效应的影响,导出了机电耦合压电元件的有限元方程。
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